Sunday, March 26, 2006

planting cosmos.

I looked down at your feet.
They were covered in the dead skin printed paisley make.
Up through your branches to blue.

I cant see much of anything without it revealing some secret
I spoke to trees this afternoon.
Before my own eyes their true parts:
colliding from leaves and moss, and sky.
A giant raised its arms up waving, inhaled deeply and breathe in my face.
I think I earned another ten years on the planet for that one.

It was strange because all of the plants started to reveal their spirits again. I notice how some were depressed and unhappy while others shout to the heavens.

The dogs examined my interest and asks questions about my skills and how i learned to understand them.

I believe this. I know this.
My skin feels this. My gut sings these lyrics.

Cradling inside you, i feel the meeting.
I feel the breathing, the beating...
i see your branches swaying...And you inhale...deeply
and breathe all over me.

1 comment:

Ty said...

Well of course that's beautiful, but you'll have to explain it to me later...